The animate, universally-loved space-age cartoon sitcom "The Jetsons" debuted 50 years ago yesterday on Sept. 23, 1962. Since the show is set in 2062, in a world of flying cars and robotic house servants, it is now half-way to the time it was set in.
There is one member of the voice cast who is still alive as Janet Waldo who voiced the teenage Judy Jetson is alive in her late '80s. Penny Singleton (1908-2003), who voiced her mother Jane Jetson lived to be 95. Singleton also played the comic strip character Blondie on film.
It's hard to believe that in real time Elroy would be 60 and his sister Judy would be 66; perhaps they would be members of the AARP.
For more info about "The Jetsons," go to our sister blog "Politics, Culture and Other Wastes of Time:"
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