Perhaps, it was Christopher Sharrett who said it best in a recent issue of "Cineaste," a publication which unapologetic film snobs such as myself really adore (having said that, I am openly debating whether I should add "Soggy Bottom USA"- a 1981 film which isn't exactly "Rashomon" to my Netflix que), when he said the following statement regarding the 2004 horror film "Saw" and its many sequels:
"The latest in fashion in fear or politically toxic mortality tales? Make your choice."
Sharrett then added the following sentiment about Jigsaw, the engaging mass murderer in films who 'welcomes guests' into his house or horrors:
"Jigsaw, the disgruntled, middle-class white male professional, fits in a long tradition of male characters fed up with democratic institutions, determined to set their own rules."
"Saw" will air at midnight as part of IFC's midnight pulp series this Friday. I've seen the film and many of its sequels (I think there are five or six films in the series) though I've often wondered why I am lured to this exercise in torture porn- and, in fact since the film series is now a billion dollar franchise so have many other people around the world!
According to the IMDB, the original "Saw" (2004. d. James Wan) was originally rated NC-17 before cuts were made after its premiere at the Sundance Film Festival (of all places!). Pre-production for "Saw" was a mere five days. The shoot lasted just 18 days. "Saw II" was green-lighted after the original's opening weekend. And, the film's puppet Jigsaw (pictured here) was made from scratch by the filmmakers.
Even though the film has a subversive far-right message that those 'who do bad things' bascially deserve to be gradually be sawed or hacked to death or beheaded......(hmm, perhaps they should show this film at a radical Southern Baptist Church in a town like War, W.Va), one of the orginal film's stars Danny Glover is known for being one of Hollywood's leading liberal activists.
"Saw" also features Leigh Whannel (who co-wrote the screenplay), Monica Potter, Cary Elwes and Tobin Bell as Jigsaw. Ironically, Bell is not a fan of horror films!
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