Today, we simply our readers if one would rather spend a Saturday night at a revival with the Rev. Jimmy Swaggart (he's back!), who has said that having sex with a man is like having sex with a pig (perhaps, he speaks from experience!) or a reunion concert for the ultra-left rock band Rage Against the Machine who could somehow make me look like George F. Will.
I must profess this is a tough one as I do enjoy the rants from the likes of RATM's Zach de la Rocha and Tom Moriello, but Swaggart's over-the-top sermons are also quite entertaining.
Hmmm....yeah, I must profess that one is more likely to meet 19-year-old girls at a RATM concert. But, perhaps one could meet a very attractive Louisiana babe of the pro-life persuasion at a Swaggart revival. Perhaps!
Definitely Rage Against The Machine!
I am inclined to agree there!
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