Sunday, November 16, 2008

Political Confusion Quiz (Entry 3 of 21)

This scientific quiz is designed to help independent and politically confused people decide whether they are more of a Republican or a Democrat.

If you answered Dennis Kucinich and Zippy the Pinhead in our first two entries you are more likely to be a Democrat, but if you answered Virgil Goode and Mallard Filmore you might be a redneck.....I mean a Republican.

Here is question number three:

Today's question is: "Would you rather go deer or duck hunting in Georgia or take in a performance by folk dancers from the Republic of Georgia?"

Though we try not to be overly political here at The Daily Vampire_ ok, so I did endorse Jim Martin over Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia) in my other blog_ I must profess to only trying the later!

Well, there was this one time I went deer hunting in Franklin County, Va., as a teenager in 1987. I only shot trees.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know about deer hunting, but in all honesty, I think I'd rather hunt ducks - for food, not sport - than take in the Georgian hoofing. I like the idea of people being self-sufficient and putting food on their tables. It's far more humane - and environmentally benign - than industrial agribusiness.
