In an effort to lure younger folks, we will devoting periodic blog entries to some cool clubs here in the region, including The 9:30 Club in Washington, DC, and The Cat's Cradle in Carboro, NC (just outside Chapel Hill).
Southern Culture on the Skids, a band with connections to my hometown of Roanoke, Va., will be at Cat's Cradle on Sat., Dec. 13. The show costs $12 in advance, $14 at the door. Opening act is The Hall Monitors. The Cat's Cradle's phone number is 919.967.9053
According to wikipedia, the band formed in Chapel Hill in 1983, and they are known for playing rockability, surf rock, country music combined with outrageous humor. They are also known for throwing fried chicken and banana pudding into the audience!
SCOTS made it big with their song "Camel Rock" in 1995. Other songs by the band include "Cheap Motels" and "Soul City."
Other shows at Cat's Cradle include the 2nd annual Winterfest Reggae Jam on Dec. 27.
I was at the Cradle, a very cool non-smoking establishment, myself last week to see Mates of State, a band I had never heard of (though they are apparently fairly popular) and it turned out to be quite good! I was the only one in the bar drinking cranberry juice.
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